Each year a number of UNFPA Country Offices and other organizations and institutions mark the day with a variety of activities to bring attention to population issues. UNFPA, which sponsors the observance, publishes posters and other advocacy materials for this purpose. 6,929,400,000 is the total approximation of world population as of July 7, 2011
Here's Top 10 of World's Most Populated Countries/Nations as of 2011.
1 - China
1,339,724,852 as of November 1, 2010
2 - India
1,210,193,422 as of March 1, 2011
3 - United States of America
311,705,000 as of July 7, 2011
4 - Indonesia
237,556,363 as of May 2010
5 - Brazil
190,732,694 as of August 1, 2010
6 - Pakistan
176,554,000 as of July 7, 2011
7 - Nigeria
176,554,000 as of 2010
8 - Bangladesh
150,863,000 as of July 7, 2011
9 - Russia
142,905,200 as of January 1, 2011
10 - Japan
127,950,000 as of June 1, 2011
- Reference/Source: Wikipedia.org
- Reference/Source: UNFPA
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in a UN organisation. The work of the UNFPA involves improving demographic statistics and assisting with poulation censuses and major national surveys; improving reproductive health, including national strategies, protocols, providing supplies and services, reproductive health, which expands out into areas such as prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS; and addressing issues concerning the rights of particular population groups, principally women, adolescents and youth, and as relevant, also national minorities, internal migrants, the elderly and the handicapped. It is known recently for its worldwide campaign against obstetric fistula and female genital cutting. The UNFPA supports programs in more than 150 countries, territories and areas spread across four geographic regions: Arab States and Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa. Around three quarters of the staff work in the field. It is a member of the United Nations Development Group and part of its Executive Committee.
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