Are you considering changing your course? Are you bored, fed-up, lost, or otherwise unhappy in your current course? Are you facing a crossroads at which you need to decide between staying in your current field and moving to a new one? Did you always failed your subjects? Have you been to a point where you are no longer doing what you love because you think you can't handle it?
Changing careers is one of the biggest decision students commonly faced, and with many possible outcomes and consequences. Before you make that jump to a new career field, consider these common career change mistakes so that you can avoid them as you make the transition from one career to your next.
Here's our 10 Important Tips to Avoid Withdrawing from Your College Course.
1 - Take Advantage of the Drop/Add Period
If you start a course and just know that there's no way you can handle it, drop that class during the drop/add period. That way, you'll get a refund on your tuition, you'll be able to return your books to the bookstore, and your financial aid will not suffer. It's important to know that too many withdrawals can hurt your financial aid.
2 - Study
If you take the time to study at least 2 hours a week, for each course, you will help to ensure that the course will be easier for you. Studying at least a few minutes each night will help you to memorize important information for upcoming tests and quizzes. If you have trouble studying on your own, get a tutor.
3 - Get a Tutor
If you must stay in the course, get a tutor. A tutor will be able to help you with tough assignments and help to ensure that you pass the course. Most tutors are students who have taken the course before and gotten an "A" or the tutor may also be an instructor. A student who has taken the course can help you learn what to expect from the course and this will also help to keep you from withdrawing.
4 - Don't Skip Class
I know you maybe tempted to skip class, especially if the course is boring, but this will only lead to you getting behind in the assignments, making the course even harder. If the course is unbearably boring, reward yourself for actually going to class in the first place. For example, if you make it through a week, reward yourself with a meal from your favorite restaurant. These rewards will help to keep you from withdrawing.
5 - Don't Get Behind
Even if you do go to class everyday, you might be tempted to procrastinate. Procrastinating will only make assignments harder. If you wait until the last minute to do an assignment that should have taken three weeks, you will be very tempted to withdraw from the course.
6 - Break down Large Assignments
If assignments are overwhelming, break them down into smaller chunks. This will ensure that the assignment is easier and that you get the assignment done on time. You may even get the assignment done early, allowing you time to work ahead.
7 - Work Ahead
Working ahead will ensure that you don't get overwhelmed by the course. Most of the time, an instructor will stick to a certain plan for each chapter of a textbook. If this is the case, work ahead and stay at least a chapter ahead of the class. If you want to make sure you do the right chapters, talk to your instructor.
8 - Talk to Your Instructor
Talking to your instructor will not only ensure that you do the right assignments, but it will also give you a chance to ask your instruct how you could improve your grades. Your instructor may be willing to give you a few pointers on studying for the course and completing the assignments. While you are speaking with your instructor you could find out if your grades are good enough to pass.
9 - Keep an Eye on Your Grades
You maybe considering withdrawing from a course, but have you looked at your grades? Your grades maybe good enough to pass the course and the fact is, if you had trouble with the course this time (even after following the above tips) you will probably have problems the next time you take it as well. So if you can pass, it's best just to get it over with.
10 - Will You Pass
When you talk to your instructor, flat out ask them if you have a chance to pass the course. Sometimes looking at your grades isn't enough. Your instructor maybe able to tell you about upcoming assignments that will raise your grade or maybe able to offer extra credit assignments. Either way, it's best to find out before making the decision to withdraw.
- Reference/Source: by Amy Brantley, Yahoo! Contributor Network [Dec 13, 2006]
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